Indisputable Proof Of The Need For Navy Asbestos Settlement

Indisputable Proof Of The Need For Navy Asbestos Settlement

Navy Asbestos Settlements

Navy veterans who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma are eligible for compensation.  Athens asbestos attorneys  could include VA benefits as well as lawsuits against asbestos producers, and trust fund claims.

In the middle of the 20th century, asbestos was widely used in shipyards and on Navy ships. All branches of the military that have used asbestos have developed mesothelioma.

VA Claims

The VA has established compensation procedures to ensure that asbestos-related illnesses receive financial aid. This includes disability benefits as well as health care and treatment costs.

In addition to compensation from the VA, Navy veterans with mesothelioma could also be eligible for cash settlements from mesothelioma lawsuits filed by private parties and asbestos trust funds. Mesothelioma attorneys help families of veterans make claims as swiftly as they can.

Asbestos was widely used as an insulation and fireproofing material in the majority of Navy ships built between the 1930s to the early 1980s. Navy personnel were exposed to asbestos while serving onboard the ship, in a naval shipyard, or in repair work. The majority of Navy job was associated with a high risk of exposure to asbestos. Shipyard workers were the greatest risk since they often dismantle asbestos-containing materials such as ceilings, pipes, and boilers.

Navy repairmen electricians, plumbers, and pipefitters were at a high risk of developing mesothelioma if they worked around asbestos-containing equipment aboard Navy vessels. The risk was also high for sailors and firefighters in the gun turrets of ships, who were wearing gloves that could withstand heat and protective clothing made of asbestos.

Asbestos manufacturers were aware of the dangers associated with their products from the 1930s, yet they continued to reap profits from these dangerous and deadly substances. To avoid developing an asbestos-related disease you must quit working in shipyards or on toxic vessels.

After these devastating diseases manufacturing companies that produced asbestos-containing products declared bankruptcy. These companies were forced to save money in asbestos trusts for compensation. Trust funds can be used to pay veterans without impacting their VA benefits.

In most cases, a VA claim is the most effective option to receive financial compensation. VA authorized lawyers can assist veterans as well as their families and loved ones fill out the required documents so that the process can be completed as swiftly as it is possible. Sokolove Law has over 40 years' experience in filing VA claims for Navy veterans suffering from asbestos-related illnesses and mesothelioma.

Private Claims

Throughout the 1930s and 1970s, asbestos was utilized to build Navy ships. Asbestos was a well-known material due to its cost and had many desirable properties, including the ability to resist fire, corrosion insulation properties, as well as soundproofing.

It was therefore found in the engine rooms, boilers rooms, and other rooms under decks of Navy vessels as well as Navy bases. Unfortunately, the Navy was the part of the military that had the highest rate of asbestos exposure. Asbestos could also be found on vessels used for auxiliary purposes, such as tugboats, barges and seaplane tenders.

Many Navy veterans who were exposed to mesothelioma or asbestos-related diseases have been awarded compensation through VA lawsuits and claims. Mesothelioma Compensation can help veterans pay their medical bills and other expenses associated to the disease.

Compensation through a lawsuit can be higher than the compensation provided by the VA claim. A lawsuit aims to hold the companies that manufacture or distribute asbestos-based goods accountable for their actions. Navy veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma can pursue an action against these companies to receive the full amount of compensation they incurred.

Top firms offer veterans legal assistance to obtain VA compensation as in addition to private compensation. VA claims can grant veterans financial aid and health care. Private compensation awards on average $1 million or more.

Finding mesothelioma-related compensation legally through a lawsuit or settlement is an important step for Navy veterans and their families to take. Asbestos lawyers are aware of the ins and outs of this complicated procedure and can help veterans navigate the entire mesothelioma lawsuit timeline.

While the majority of mesothelioma cases settle an agreement, a few cases go to trial. This could involve a judge or jury, and may result in a higher or lower verdict than an agreement. A lawyer can assist a veteran in deciding whether a settlement is better than a trial. The factors that influence this decision are the amount of compensation awarded as well as the stage of mesothelioma and the availability of medical evidence. A mesothelioma lawyer will work hard to make sure the case is properly prepared and ensure the best outcome.


Asbestos lawyers can aid veterans suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses pursue compensation from Navy asbestos settlements. These settlements average at least $1 million. The U.S. government and the military aren't sued when veterans pursue these lawsuits that are filed against the manufacturers of asbestos-based products, which expose navy personnel to the risk of exposure.

Asbestos was utilized on a variety of kinds of Navy ships up to the 1980s. The hazardous mineral was used in engine rooms, boiler rooms, and in other areas. Shipyard workers also suffered from exposure when they constructed repairs, reconstructed and dismantled these vessels. During this time, workers knowingly handled huge amounts of asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos fibers then disperse throughout the ship's areas that were not ventilated. These areas included sleeping rooms, dining halls and other common areas. Family members of Navy and shipyard workers frequently were exposed to asbestos secondhand.

The Department of Veterans Affairs offers medical and financial assistance to veterans who suffer from mesothelioma or other asbestos-related illness. Navy veterans who are eligible for VA benefits are able to receive compensation that covers the cost of treatment as well as other expenses that are associated with the condition. The type of VA benefits a veteran can receive is determined by the amount of asbestos exposure they had during their service, and whether or not they were a Marine or Navy service member.

Mesothelioma patients are able to bring private lawsuits against asbestos manufacturers to increase the VA benefits they receive. The lawsuits are brought against companies that manufactured asbestos-containing products, such as Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 3M, Burnham Commercial Boilers and John Crane Inc. These lawsuits seek compensation for the victim as well as their family.

Asbestos cases are complicated and require the knowledge from attorneys who specialize in asbestos cases. Lawyers work with mesothelioma experts to ensure a lawsuit is filed properly in order to obtain the most appropriate amount of amount of compensation. Attorneys can also assist veterans with filing trust fund claims that are a vital part of any asbestos settlement. The filing of a lawsuit will interfere with a veteran's eligibility to apply for VA benefits. Veterans can file both at once.


Navy veterans diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases are able to receive compensation from lawsuits filed against asbestos producers. Settlements or verdict can cover medical costs, lost wages and other expenses that are associated with asbestos-related illnesses. A mesothelioma attorney can assist veterans to determine if they are qualified to file a lawsuit against negligent asbestos-related companies.

Throughout the time of the Navy asbestos was employed to protect machinery and to insulate ships. It was widely employed in ship engine rooms boiler rooms, engine rooms and pump rooms due to its ability to withstand high temperatures. It was also utilized in storage and living areas, such as cafeterias and sleeping rooms. Insufficient ventilation allowed asbestos to spread and contaminate the remainder of the ship.

Even after the Navy prohibited its use in 1975, asbestos continued to be found in ships that were being repaired or retired from shipyards. The Navy then sold these old vessels to scrap metal which resulted in more asbestos exposure. Shipyard workers were at risk of exposure to asbestos too, as they built repair, dismantle and rebuild these military vessels.

Navy veterans who were exposed to asbestos in their work might have received compensation for their illnesses. This could include monetary benefits, as well as free mesothelioma treatment. Compensation is typically granted through an agreement to settle instead of a jury trial, which could result in an even more substantial award.

Mesothelioma lawyers will review the medical records of a veteran and test results to determine if they are eligible for compensation. Asbestos patients suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases may be entitled to monthly financial benefits, tax-free healthcare and assistance with daily tasks.

Lawyers representing mesothelioma patients work to ensure that their clients receive the most possible amount of money. Most cases are settled however, a few cases go to trial. A trial involves a judge and jury that will examine the evidence in each case and award damages. It is not unusual for the verdict to be more than the amount of settlement. Some mesothelioma patients have received awards in the tens of billions of dollars. The outcome of a trial can be unpredictable, however, so many lawyers prefer to settle a claim instead of bringing it to trial.